Savor the Blessings of the Season

Winter is a natural time for rest and renewal. And yet we are busier than ever through the holidays with year end reports to be filed, obligatory parties to attend, out of town guests to entertain, and trips to be taken. In a global economy, those living in summer are at a productive peak, and we are obliged to keep up too.

When do we have a chance to savor the spirit of joy and peace that is at the heart oWinter scenef our seasonal celebrations?

In simpler times, the harvest of summer provided sustenance for the winter. Bodies rested from labor and recovered for the coming season when the soil would once again be tilled, seed planted, crops tended, and harvest gathered.

I encourage you to intentionally find moments in this season to be still and reflective. Even for brief moments, take the opportunity to savor the goodness, and give thanks for those who bring meaning to your life.

These reflections will affirm what is of most value for your life and work as you journey into the New Year.

May the spirit of the season light your way and bless you with joy and peace.

©Ethan Raath 121813

About Dr. Ethan Raath

Highwire Leadership - Owner/Consultant
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